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Middle School Academic Standards

Friday, March 3, 2023

Common Core Standards

The Common Core is a set of nationally recognized academic standards in mathematics and English language arts/literacy. These learning goals outline what a student should know and be able to do at the end of each grade. The standards were created to ensure that all students graduate from ºìÐÓÖ±²¥app school with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in college, career, and life, regardless of where they live.

Additional Learning Standards

In addition to adopting the Common Core State Standards in reading and mathematics, the District of Columbia has adopted challenging learning standards that define the knowledge, concepts and skills that students should acquire at each grade level.  to view the standards for:

  • Arts
  • English Language Development
  • Health and Physical Education
  • Science
  • Social Studies
  • Technology
  • World Language

2015-2016 ºìÐÓÖ±²¥appSecondary Grading and Recording Policy

The 2015-2016 ºìÐÓÖ±²¥appSecondary Grading and Recording Policy is a comprehensive document that provides clear expectations to schools and parents on matters related to developing and reporting grades. This new policy  is necessary to ensure equitable standards for grades across all secondary schools, and should impact all students in grades 6-12. The policy includes a uniform grading system and scale for all secondary courses to ensure that standards for earning a grade across all content areas are the same.  It also establishes expectations that parents receive timely feedback on their student’s progress. Specifically, teachers will now be expected to grade, post, and return graded work to students within ten school days of the student’s submission of the assignment. Also, each school will now use the same electronic grade book (with grades updated every ten days) so that parents and students only have to log into one system per school to review their child’s progress. If a student or parent disputes a grade received on a report card, they can appeal the grade with their school. For more information, see the complete policy and accompanying documents or contact your child’s school.